Our research

Our agenda-setting research identifies the root causes of low social mobility and promotes effective solutions through education and employment.

Since 1997 we've published over 250 reports, many of which have gone on to influence national policy.


Major new cohort study examining the long-term impact of the pandemic on educational inequality and social mobility.

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Life Lessons 2024

What do teachers think about the value of life skills for pupils?

Social Selection on the map

A detailed analysis of social segregation in schools across England.

04 September 2024
Paris Olympics 2024

Where did Team GB's medallists go to school and university?

12 August 2024
School Funding and Pupil Premium 2024

Our annual polling looking at funding pressures in schools.

19 April 2024
Closing the attainment gap

Our second General Election policy briefing focuses on the attainment gap.

22 February 2024
Selective Comprehensives 2024

Our latest research highlighting social selectivity in school admissions.

11 January 2024
Stories from the Class of 2023

Hear from young people on their pandemic experiences and their plans for future.

09 August 2023
Jan Paul Schlindwein, Milo Warby, Matthew Holt, Helen KenneyAsma Ali Farah,
Social Mobility: The Next Generation – ...

How do pupils with the same grades but different socio-economic backgrounds progress at school?

29 June 2023
School Funding and Pupil Premium 2023

How are schools using their funding during the cost of living crisis?

26 April 2023