Our research

Our agenda-setting research identifies the root causes of low social mobility and promotes effective solutions through education and employment.

Since 1997 we've published over 250 reports, many of which have gone on to influence national policy.


Major new cohort study examining the long-term impact of the pandemic on educational inequality and social mobility.

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Social Selection on the map

A detailed analysis of social segregation in schools across England.

04 September 2024
Selective Comprehensives 2024

Our latest research highlighting social selectivity in school admissions.

11 January 2024
Fairer School Admissions

Attitudes to school admissions and how we can make them fairer.

Selective Comprehensives Great Britain

A look at how socially selective top performing secondary schools are, and how admissions could be improved.

Parent Power 2018

We looked at the cultural and financial resources parents use to boost their children’s chances of educational success.

12 September 2018
Mobility Manifesto 2017

Our Mobility Manifesto sets out ten policies to put social mobility at the heart of the 2017 election campaign.

03 May 2017
Selective Comprehensives 2017

Selective Comprehensives considers whether policy changes have had an impact on social selection in comprehensive schools.

Caught Out

Where and why primary school intakes differ substantially in their social composition from the local neighbourhoods from which they...

14 April 2016
Open Access

This report examines the premium (the financial and other benefits) associated with pupils attending independent schools compared with those...