What we offer our legacy donors



We understand that wills may naturally change over time and recognise your right to adjust your legacy gift in line with changing circumstances.



We recognise that a will is a private and personal decision to make and that your family and loved ones will always take precedence.

We will not bother you for future gifts and only want to stay in touch to say thank you and to keep you up to date on the latest news from the Sutton Trust.

Whilst we love to stay in touch with our legacy donors we also recognise your right to remain anonymous if you prefer.

Responsible spending

Responsible spending

We promise to spend your gift well, in line with your own wishes.

If you wish for your gift to go towards a specific area of our work, we will work closely with you on restricting the gift accordingly.

To leave a gift in your will, contact your solicitor quoting the Sutton Trust’s name and our charity number (1146244) and how much you would like to leave us. Legacy gifts don’t have to be huge to have a significant impact on our work – even leaving as little as 1% of your estate to the Trust could have an incredible impact on the support we are able to offer in the years to come.

Contact our Development team

To learn more about legacy giving, please get in touch with our Director of Development, Jenny Suggitt.

E: [email protected]

Investing for positive change